Our Journey to Pure, Natural Care

Growing up on the coast, I was surrounded by the beauty of nature and a family who cherished healthy living. We believed in eating well and using natural products long before it was mainstream. As a child, I often had reactions to synthetic ingredients, and looking back, I’m deeply grateful to my family for understanding the importance of choosing natural over synthetic.

From an early age, I was drawn to helping others, which led me to a career in the medical field. But my passion for natural living never waned. I continued to study herbs and nutrition, constantly amazed by the impact that what we put on and in our bodies has on our overall health—especially since our skin is our largest organ.

When my second child was born, everything changed. He was sensitive to almost everything—foods, medications, creams, you name it. We embarked on a long journey of food elimination diets, eventually discovering that he thrived on organic, whole foods. But the challenges didn’t end there. He also reacted to anything unnatural, from prescribed creams to household cleaners. This experience elevated our commitment to a natural lifestyle even further.

As a mom with a busy life, finding genuinely natural products became even more crucial. It was nearly impossible to find skincare, soap, or cleaning products that were truly free of synthetics. Frustrated by misleading labels, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I immersed myself in learning about ingredients and began making our own body care products. This journey of clean living, label reading, and crafting our own solutions has transformed our lives. For the past few years, my family has exclusively used these creations, and the results have been remarkable.

We started small, sharing our products at farmers markets in June 2021. Today, we’re proud to offer them in stores and online, bringing the same level of care to you that we’ve brought to our own family.

Thank you for supporting our journey and visiting our site.
